So I haven't been able to update for a few days because we have been a little busy. On April 7th, 2011 at 11:36am, we brought Mason Michael Drew into the world. He was 7lbs, 2oz and 20.5 inches long. I had been laboring on and off for several days before we actually got going. I had kept having contractions, but nothing created a pattern or lasted for more than a few hours. That all changed on Wednesday. I had been feeling pretty crummy for a few days (sick to my stomach, no appetitie, crampy, crabby), but on Wednesday it kept getting worse and worse. I worked all day, but by the end of the day I could hardly concentrate on my job. It took every bit of energy I had not to bite my patient's heads off. Finally one of the cardiologists I work with pulled me aside and asked me what was wrong. I complained about how much my back hurt, about how I was having contractions pretty frequently, and about how I couldn't eat. She told me I was in labor and should call my OB and get checked. I called our doula Katy, and she thought this was it also. After a frantic phone call to Mike, who left work and made it to the hospital in record time, I went in to the OB office to get checked. My regular doctor wasn't there, but the doctor who checked me said I hadn't changed too much (3cm, 80% effaced), but he was moving down and my water was bulging (gross, I know). She sent me to the hospital to be observed.
Mike, Katy and I spend the next 2 hours in triage getting monitored. They were coming about 5 to 7 minutes apart, but I still wasn't making any changes so I got sent home. Katy came to our house and helped me get through the contraction and relax (they were now coming 4 minutes apart), but we weren't going back to the hospital until we knew it was the "real thing". We finally fell asleep about 11:30, but I was woken up at 1:30 with strong contractions coming between 2 and 3 minutes apart. I tried to relax, but after about 30 minutes I couldn't stand to keep laying down and I got Mike up. I got into the shower and they got stronger and stronger. Mike called Katy and the on call Dr. and we went into the hospital again at about 3:30am. In triage, they said I may have progressed a half a centimeter, and the doctor wasn't going to keep me again! I was getting upset because I was in so much pain, but nothing was happening! So, stubborn as I am, we stayed for another 2.5 hours laboring to see if we could get things going. Katy and I (while Mike slept in triage) walked the maternity ward getting the contractions going. They were 2 minutes apart and getting stronger. Finally my doctor arrived at around 6am and came to see me in triage. He checked me and I was only 4cm...that's it! But he knew me and my history, and saw how uncomfortable I was. He knew I was in good labor, but because Mason was posterior (face up) he wasn't putting enough pressure on my cervix. He decided to break my water to get this going.
Finally we got a room at 7am and he broke my water at 7:40am. Then the contractions started coming hard. I was having back labor because of his position (which was awful), but we kept walking the halls and laboring on the ball. I had decided to go natural and I am very stubborn! The pain was intense, but manageable. With the help of our fabulous doula Katy and my wonderful husband, I was able to make it through. They did counterpressure, helped me breathe, and did all of the comfort measures to help me get through. Two hours later, I got checked and I had made it to 6 cm! Then about 20 minutes later, Katy wanted me to get checked again because the contractions were changing. They were really strong and not just in my back, but everywhere. I was feeling nauseated and hot, but starting to shake. They were harder to get through. I was at 7cm and starting to go through transition. That stage of labor was the hardest by far. My doctor came to check on me and knew it wasn't going to be long because of how fast I was progressing. Mason was still posterior so he wanted me to lay down on my side to get him to turn around. I had not been laying down at all during labor, and when I got on the bed, the contractions were unbearable. I was progressing so fast. In 20 minutes I was at 8.5 to 9cm, but could hardly stand the pain. The doctor was called back asap, and I was almost at 10 cm. I had to do a few more contractions and then I could start to push. That was the point I didn't think I could get through this and was wishing I had pain medicine, but it was too late because he was coming. I stayed in control and did everything I could to get through it. I had an incredible urge to push and wasn't allowed to push yet. It was such an intense pain. Finally I was allowed to push, and it felt so good. After a few hard pushes, the doctor and nurses started to gown up and get everything sterile and I realized that I was pushing well and the baby was coming. After 17 total minutes of pushing, I hear Mike say that the baby was here, and I opened my eyes to Mason getting put in my chest. It was 4 hour after my water was broken. It was the most amazing feeling in the entire world. It was worth all of the pain I had been through. Going natural was the most intense and amazing thing in the entire world. I wouldn't change it for the world. To get to feel every ache and pain needed to bring another human being in the world was such an indescribable feeling. And to see Mason come out absolutely perfect and healthy really confirmed that I made the right descision.
Sorry for the long story, but after 2 days in the hospital, we are finally home with out little boy. He is perfect and healthy. No one could believe he was a 37week and 2 day baby. He had no breathing problems, no jaundice, and breastfed like a champion. We could latch him by the 1st day and have had no problems since. He is off the charts with the wet and dirty diapers and my milk came in after 36 hours which is incredible! He is amazing everyone with how well he is doing. He is even letting us sleep for 2-3 hours at a time. I credit all of this to going natural. They only medicine I had the entire hospital stay was some Aleve after childbirth to help with the soreness and cramping associated with breastfeeding. That's it.
I will post some pictures soon. Mike and I are home and so in love with our beautiful son Mason Michael Drew.
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